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Anna Lea Spörri

My name is Anna Lea but pretty much everyone calls me Anni. I was born in Zürich, Switzerland and I am currently living in Basel where I’m studying History and Gender Studies. I believe in talking to each other, listening not only to respond. I like dancing. I like playing music. And even though you probably can’t tell by these short sentences here, I like writing. I believe that journalism is a powerful tool in fighting injustice. So why not express the fighting slogans a little more beautifully?

Name: Anna Lea Spörri
Year of birth: 2001
Country of residence: Switzerland

TEMA asks

  1. What time is it?

  2. What’s your favourite Emoji?

  3. Standing at the train station today with a free ticket, where would you go?
    Berlin or anywhere by the sea.

  4. The best thing about a country you lived in:
    There are a lot of lakes and mountains in Switzerland and its quite small so you can travel everywhere in a short amount of time.

  5. More of this in Europe, please:

  6. Europe can do without:
    Right-winged parties

  7. What do you deeply care about?
    My friends and family, staying curious.

  8. Last book / movie that moved you:
    Taubenleben by Paulina Czienskowski

  9. What song fills you instantly with joy?
    Bee Gees – Too much heaven or any ABBA song

  10. What’s the worst question someone could ask you? 
    Why do we still need feminism?

Author of:

Share in despair: Communal living in Zurich (TEMA#7 – Housing)

Power to the pussy? (TEMA#4 – Matriarchy)