Maya Vieth

I am a German-based visual artist, born in 1996. I grew up in the rural East of Germany. There I started taking photographs as a teenager and mainly portrayed myself and my friends in industrial wasteland and nature. The relationship between people and their habitats, focused on today's life structures in the former East, is most of the time part of my work. By that, I try to work with the various influences of perception, such as memory, imagination and emotions. I use the medium of photography often in an experimental way to visualise these layers. Since 2016, I have been studying Visual Communication at the Bauhaus University in Weimar. Right now I am working on my bachelor thesis.

I think my way of working is somewhere between documentary, staged and experimental photography. I always use different cameras, both analog and digital. I also work with selfmade cameras, like pinhole cameras. Sometimes I experiment with digital manipulation methods or the material dust during the scanning process of analog negatives.

year of birth: 1996
Country of residence:

TEMA asks

  1. What time is it?

  2. What’s your favourite Emoji?
    I think I don't have a favorite Emoji. I don't use Emojis a lot. But I like this one:: :-@ (for me it is an intimate, awkward and little dirty kiss).

  3. Standing at the train station today with a free ticket, where would you go?
    I would go to Croatia to surprise a good friend of mine. But I don’t know if there is a train connection. So I would probably just take a train that is nice to sit in and where you have an interesting view. I would read, write, listen to music, observe the passengers and look out of the window sometimes.

  4. The best thing about the country you live in:
    Maybe the bicycle lanes, the nude swimming culture and „Ebay-Kleinanzeigen”...

  5. More of this in Europe, please:
    I think everything is already there, we just have to focus differently.

  6. Europe can do without:
    I would say there are many things that go wrong and they are often related.

  7. What do you deeply care about?
    That I have a place where I feel as independent as possible and safe. That I stay in contact with good friends and my family. That I have enough time for myself.

  8. Last book / movie that moved you:
    Europe, she loves, a very intimate documentary about young couples in different European countries by Jan Gassmann.

    Book: Vielen Dank für das Leben by Sibylle Berg. It's definitely not a feel-good-book, but it touched me and I am a fan of Bergs way of writing.

  9. What song fills you instantly with joy?
    “I need love baby, love, not trouble” by Thomas Dybdahl fills me somehow with joy, since I watched the Movie Barfuß auf Nacktschnecken when I was a teenager. It gives me the feeling of long summer days. :-)

  10. What is the worst question someone could ask you?
    A bad question might be one that the person asking is not serious about, or where they just want to make fun of you.

Artist of:

Schwabe 9 (TEMA#7 – Housing)