What if less was enough?
There is nothing one couldn’t buy with money? Need a friend? – buy one! In need of a shirt in a different kind of blue? – here you go! Hungry? – choose your favourite dish! And not only is everything available all the time, it seems as if we have also become defined by our consumption. You are what you eat, you are what you wear, you are what you own. We spend money for the one perfect moment, for likes, love and lust, constantly in the search for identity and belonging. But somewhere on the way we seem to lose the power over our own needs and simply want more. Things break, things get lost, things get outdated, things get forgotten. So we need new things, more things – whenever, wherever and the more the better. But is more really better? Or do we eventually have to ask an entirely different question?

Why is IKEA drawing cute globes on their posters?
After moving out of a student dormitory in the Netherlands, Viola observed how waste container after waste container was filled up with old IKEA goods. Shortly afterwards, in Hamburg, she spotted the company's campaign: ‘There is no plural of home’. The Alarm Bells go off and it’s time for a new article.